by NorthwestSpecialtyHospital | Jan 9, 2024
January is National Blood Donor Month, and here at Northwest Specialty Hospital, we strongly encourage members of the public to make a concerted effort to participate in this critical endeavor. January has been chosen as National Blood Donor Month because blood...
by NorthwestSpecialtyHospital | Jan 4, 2024
Otolaryngology is the official name for the field of medicine that addresses the health problems associated with the ears, nose, and throat. Thankfully for patients, the specialty is usually called “ear, nose, and throat” or ENT. ENT is one of the medical specialties...
by NorthwestSpecialtyHospital | Dec 28, 2023
As each year comes to a close and the promise of a fresh start beckons, many people make New Year’s resolutions. Frequently, these resolutions revolve around health and wellness, with many focused on exercising more, shedding unwanted pounds, adopting new diets,...
by NorthwestSpecialtyHospital | Dec 19, 2023
Healthcare seems like it should be a very straightforward proposition: when you are unwell, you make an appointment with your doctor. Your doctor listens to your concerns, makes a diagnosis, and recommends or prescribes an appropriate care regimen that can cure or...
by NorthwestSpecialtyHospital | Dec 14, 2023
If you live in North Idaho, you know the communities here are pretty close-knit. Although the region has expanded tremendously in the last decade, the towns here still have a small-town ethos. Despite the rugged, independent spirit that is a hallmark of the people in...