Comfort foods bring us warmth and happiness during the cold winter months. But they often leave us with a few extra pounds come springtime. If you’ve noticed the scale creeping up, don’t fret. You still have plenty of time to shed your winter weight gain before the seasons change.
Let’s explore why winter weight gain happens, then unpack 7 simple strategies you can use to lose weight and increase your energy, courtesy of the experts at Northwest Digestive Center in Post Falls.
Is ‘winter weight gain’ real?
Packing on a little extra weight in winter is totally normal. The average American gains about one pound each year between November and March, according to a National Institutes of Health study
Winter weight gain isn’t because we lack willpower. In some cases, it’s a natural body process. A study in the journal Nature reveals that all mammals, including humans, need more food in winter to maintain their core body temperature. So, it makes sense that we tend to eat more food when the temperatures fall below freezing.
Another study of female college students in Japan linked winter weight gain to several other seasonal considerations, including less exercise and poor quality sleep. All these factors affect people right here in the Inland Northwest every winter. Consider:
- Longer periods of darkness can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle, creating hormonal changes that can result in weight gain. Insufficient sleep, for example, can increase your levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and lower your levels of serotonin, a hormone that regulates your appetite and mood.
- Less sunlight can lead to a condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as “winter depression,” which can sap your motivation to exercise and potentially cause you to eat more.
- Frigid temperatures often make it easier for us to forgo exercise and binge-watch season two of “Severance” instead. And the more sedentary we are during the winter, the harder it is to keep off extra weight.
Smart strategies to lose weight before spring begins
You don’t have to wait until spring to start shedding your winter weight gain. Instead, you can begin right now by adopting one or more of these simple and effective tips:
1. Choose foods that nourish you
Selecting the right nutrients can improve your physical and mental health. A Mediterranean diet, for example, is proven to promote weight loss. It can also reduce the risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer, while also potentially easing symptoms of depression. How to begin? Start by focusing on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Choose healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, and nuts and seeds. Opt for lean proteins like skinless turkey breasts, salmon, or cuts of beef marked “loin” or “round.”
2. Make smart swaps
If you’re not ready to completely change your diet, that’s OK. You can ease into it instead by making a few simple swaps. Consider using avocado instead of mayo on a sandwich. Replace sugar-packed breakfast cereals with oatmeal. Choose brown rice over white rice. Or ditch soft drinks for sparkling water. These changes can help you jumpstart your personal weight loss plan.
3. Right-size your portions
Most of us don’t realize that eating a package of any product isn’t necessarily a portion. To find out exactly how many calories you’re eating, read the “nutrition facts” label carefully. The number of calories on the label is often per portion, and there might be three, four, or five portions in one bag. If that’s the case, you need to multiply the number of portions by the number of calories listed. For example, a bag of microwave popcorn with 150 calories per portion may actually contain 450 calories if there are three servings in a bag.
4. Eat mindfully
A mindful approach to eating helps you realize when you’re feeling full so you don’t overindulge. It can also improve digestion. To eat more mindfully, take small bites, chew your food thoroughly, and set your fork down between each bite. Also, avoid eating in front of the TV ,laptop, or smartphone so you’re focused fully on eating.
5. Get moving
It’s difficult to exercise when it’s cold outside, but you can still get your heart pumping indoors. Do chores around the house. Find exercise videos on YouTube that will keep you motivated. Consider taking local dance classes, joining a fitness center, or signing up for adult volleyball. Find some inspiration in this list of winter and spring activities from Post Falls Parks & Recreation.
6. Improve your sleep quality
Quality sleep is essential for weight loss. Experts indicate that most adults need between seven to nine hours of sleep a night to regulate the hormones that control appetite and hunger. The more consistent your sleep patterns, the less hungry you’ll be during the day.
7. Boost your mood
Lowering stress levels can also lower your weight. Find a guided meditation or deep breathing exercise online. Participate in hobbies that bring you joy. Consider yoga to help balance your mind and body. If you’ve been diagnosed with SAD, depression, or another mental health condition, seek professional help so you can learn appropriate coping strategies and find long-term healing.
‘Buddy up’ with experts from Northwest Digestive Center
When you engage another person in your weight loss journey, you’ll gain the momentum and accountability to achieve your goals. Our team of registered dietitians at Northwest Digestive Center can serve as your partners, helping you celebrate your weight loss wins and keep your plan on track.
Our holistic approach to weight management incorporates nutrition, physical activity, stress management, and healthy sleep. Let us help you assess your nutrition, develop a personalized weight loss plan, and teach you how to read food labels, maintain proper portions, and eat mindfully. We integrate mindfulness and relaxation techniques into our wellness services, giving you a full set of tools you can use to get rid of winter weight gain for good while living healthier.
We can also review your surgical weight loss options. Northwest Digestive Center is home to the only bariatric surgery program in North Idaho. We offer minimally invasive options, including vertical sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. See if you qualify for surgery and watch success stories of patients who have transformed their life with surgical weight loss.
If you want to talk with us about your personal weight loss journey and goals, call us today at 208-262-0945.