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Northwest Specialty Hospital is committed not only to providing top-tier medical services to the residents of north Idaho and eastern Washington but also to supporting in other ways the community it calls home. NWSH supports many local charities through volunteer work, donations, and service, and one noteworthy partnership is NWSH’s support of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Kootenai County.


The Boys & Girls Clubs of Kootenai County is one arm of the nationwide organization Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The mission of this organization is to guide marginalized youths toward pursuing graduation from high school, fostering good character and citizenship, and promoting a healthy lifestyle through wholesome activities. Boys and Girls Clubs strive to create an optimistic future for the youth who walk through the doors of their many facilities scattered throughout the country. NWSH recognizes the profound impact of imparting such values and supports the Boys & Girls Clubs of Kootenai County, which offers programs at its facility in Post Falls and at Lakes Middle School in Coeur d’Alene.

At the core of the Boys & Girls Clubs’ commitment is optimism. They firmly believe that every child has the potential for greatness, regardless of background. NWSH shares this conviction and actively supports the creation of safe, positive, and supportive environments for the youth in the community. By backing the Boys & Girls Clubs, NWSH is investing in each child’s individual growth and contributing to the community’s collective betterment.

In a world where today’s youth grapple with challenges like poverty, obesity, neglect, drugs, and an increase in high school dropout rates, the Boys & Girls Clubs provide a sanctuary. It’s a place where great futures begin to take shape daily. This aligns seamlessly with NWSH’s ethos, recognizing that kids and teens are the most precious resources of any community.

The Boys & Girls Clubs offer an alternative haven for kids and teens during non-school hours, diverting them from the streets or the isolation of being home alone. These young individuals connect with caring adults through engaging activities and form friendships in a positive environment. The skills they build foster a belief in their own potential, reinforcing a sense of belonging, personal accountability, and civic responsibility.

NWSH recognizes the transformative power of such programs. By supporting the Boys & Girls Clubs, NWSH contributes to shaping a resilient and empowered generation. The shared goal is to instill in these young minds a profound sense of competence, usefulness, belonging, and influence. Through this collaborative effort, NWSH ensures that the community’s most vulnerable members can access opportunities that pave the way for a brighter future.

The CEO of NWSH, Rick Rasmussen, serves on the Board of Directors for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Kootenai County. This leadership role underscores NWSH’s commitment to healing bodies as well as nurturing the minds and spirits of the next generation.

NWSH’s involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs reflects a commitment to holistic community well-being, recognizing that true health extends beyond the physical and into the realms of education, character development, and the nurturing of dreams. NWSH invites other community members to get involved with the local Boys & Girls Clubs. As with many programs of this type, those who donate their time and effort soon find that they gain much more than they give. Helping young people thrive and achieve their full potential can only make this community a better place, both now and long into the future.

Northwest Specialty Hospital is a healthcare organization that operates a hospital as well as a family of clinics offering a number of medical specialties, from spinal care to pediatrics to imaging services. For healthcare needs for yourself or your family, contact NWSH today.

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