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In the rapidly evolving field of medicine, technological advancements continue to reshape how surgeries are performed. Robotic surgery, in particular, has emerged as a game-changer, offering numerous benefits to both patients and surgical teams. One notable addition to the realm of robotic surgery at Northwest Specialty Hospital is the Modus V robotic exoscope. In our surgery practices, our patients are reaping the advantages of robotic surgery, and our experience suggests that the Modus V has the potential to transform the surgical landscape for many different procedures.

People may not realize that surgeons are as involved in robotic surgery as in traditional surgery. Although there are different types of medical robots, the purpose of the Modus V is to provide better imaging for surgeons. This exoscope is a robotic camera surgeons use instead of a  surgical telescope. The surgery’s success continues to depend upon the expertise and skill of the surgeon performing the procedure. However, using this robotic tool gives surgeons distinct advantages. Surgeons at NWSH are excited to have the opportunity to utilize the Modus V. Here are some of the reasons this robot is being embraced at NWSH and other medical facilities as integral to the future of medicine.


Enhanced Visuals, Depth Perception, and Precision

The Modus V is an exoscope robot. In other words, its use provides visual assistance to surgeons, allowing them to see the surgical site clearly and accurately.

The Modus V boasts an exceptional optical capability, offering 12.5X magnification and a larger view volume than a standard surgical microscope. By leveraging state-of-the-art video processing techniques, this robotic digital exoscope ensures surgeons have clear and unobstructed views of the surgical site, regardless of the surgical approach. Such enhanced visibility is critical during complex procedures, enabling surgeons to confidently navigate and make informed decisions in real-time.

The Modus V uses a high-resolution camera with integrated advanced 3D visualization technology. The surgeon can see much more detail than with the naked eye or a traditional surgical microscope. The 3D technology enables the surgeon to perceive depth naturally – in other words, the image is not “flat.” Consequently, the surgeon can make more precise movements, minimizing the risk of damaging any tissues, nerves, or blood vessels surrounding the surgical site. This immersive experience enhances the surgeon’s ability to perform intricate surgical tasks with greater precision, reducing the risk of complications and improving patient outcomes.


Improved Ergonomics 

Traditionally, surgeons have had to contend with uncomfortable viewing angles – sometimes having to bend down or crane their necks to see the surgical site with a surgical microscope properly. This often leads to fatigue and muscle strain, especially during lengthy surgeries. The Modus V’s robotic arm can move its scope into any angle, eliminating these challenges by allowing surgeons to operate heads-up, using a large-screen digital monitor that provides ideal visualization for the entire surgical team. This revolutionary feature dramatically improves ergonomics, reducing physical strain and enhancing the overall workflow in the operating room.


Voice-Activated Control

In an era of ever-advancing artificial intelligence (AI), the Modus V robot incorporates AI-enabled voice-activated control. This groundbreaking feature allows surgeons to control various system settings with voice commands from the sterile field. This capability eliminates the need for any surgical team member to make manual adjustments. Instead, the surgeon can modify the position of the Modus V exoscope as needed for every stage of the procedure using simple voice commands to provide the best view possible. This capability enables surgeons to maintain an uninterrupted workflow, saving valuable time during surgery and improving overall efficiency.


Enabling Less-Invasive Approaches

The Modus V robotic exoscope can be positioned at any angle to give the surgeon a complete view of the surgical site. This capability offers surgeons more flexibility in choosing the surgical approach, making it easier to select less-invasive surgical techniques where appropriate without compromising visibility, room setup, or ergonomic positioning. Less invasive procedures generally enable patients to recover more quickly without compromising the quality of the results. With its advanced visual capabilities and wide range of movement, the Modus V allows surgeons to choose the most effective method for carrying out a procedure.


NWSH: Staying at the Forefront of Medical Technology

The Modus V robot is just one more tool that enables the medical profession to make significant leaps forward in the field of surgery. At NWSH in northern Idaho, it has revolutionized the way surgeries are performed. This state-of-the-art technology, incorporating 3D visualization, voice-activated control, and unparalleled versatility in positioning, this innovative device offers numerous advantages to surgeons and patients alike. 


As technology advances, NWSH will continue to investigate groundbreaking developments that can shape the future of surgical practice and redefine the possibilities for improved patient care. If you require surgical services, consider all that Northwest Specialty Hospital can offer, and give us a call today.

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